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Elecfreaks IoT Kit for micro:bit (須另購micro:bit) (行貨1年保養)



Elecfreaks micro:bit Smart Science IoT Kit 物聯網科學套件 (不含主板) 【產品規格】   1. 人體紅外線感測器 *1 2. 分貝(噪音)感測器 *1 3. 光敏感測器 *1 4.BME280*1 5. 懸浮粒子(灰塵)感測器 *1 6. 土壤溼度感測器 *1 7. 水位感測器 *1 8. OLED螢幕 *1 9. 超音波感測器 *1 10. IOT:Bit擴充板 *1 11. 180度伺服馬達 *1 ELECFREAKS Smart Science IoT Kit是專為IoT:Bit開發的新款擴充板,可與科學感測器相容,例如超聲波感測器、粉/灰塵感測器、光線感測器和水位感測器,包含RTC計時和WIFI模組。您可以透過感測器收集數據,藉由更穩定準確的數據進行分析並將其傳送到雲端。 【microbit IoT:bit】ELECFREAKS Smart Science IoT Kit是專為IoT:Bit開發的新款擴充板,可與科學感測器相容,例如超聲波感測器、粉/灰塵感測器、光線感測器和水位感測器,包含RTC計時和WIFI模組。 【Micro:bit + Internet】支援Thingspeak / IFTTT Oline教育隨時隨地隨心所欲學習。您可以透過感測器收集數據,藉由更穩定準確的數據進行分析並將其傳送到雲端。 【IoT:bit 特色】(1)匯集了ESP12F WiFi、RTC、耳機插孔和無源蜂鳴器(2)適用積木(4個標準間距固定孔)(3)單獨引出IIC接口,可直接插入OLED、BME280和IIC 等等 【有趣的智能科學實作】您可以建構諸如空氣質量監測、環境噪音檢測、環境質量監測站、自動灌溉偵測、自衛監測站等實用專案。 【圖形程式語言】豐富的makecode圖形程式積木讓孩子們的學習由淺入深。 【備註】此商品不包含micro:bit!適合年齡12歲以上。 教學範例:https://elecfreaks.com/learn-zh/microbitKit/iot_kit/index.html ELECFREAKS Smart Science IoT Kit is developed based on loT:Bit,a new breakout board compatible with science sensors such as the ultrasonic sensor, dust sensor, light sensor and water level sensor,.including RTC Timing and WIFI module. You can gather data via thesensors and send data to the cloud with more stable and accuratedata analysis. 1. iot:kit Introduction 1.1. micro:bit Smart Science IoT kit ELECFREAKS Smart Science IoT Kit is developed based on loT:Bit,a new breakout board compatible with science sensors such as theultrasonic sensor, dust sensor, light sensor and water level sensor,.including RTC Timing and WIFI module. You can gather data via thesensors and send data to the cloud with more stable and accuratedata analysis. 1.2. pack list Component number micro:bit option IoT:bit 1 OLED 1 BME 280 1 PIR sensor 1 Light sensor 1 Noise sensor 1 Water level sensor 1 soil moisture sensor 1 Sonar:bit 1 Dust sensor 1 180° servo 1
