- 農田保護裝置
- 水溫檢測
- 捕蟲器
- 農作物高度檢測
- 農作物遮陽裝置
- 魚池水位監測裝置
- 定時給料器
- 飛鳥防撞裝置
1. IoT:bit Internet WIFI 擴充板 x1
2. Rainbow彩虹LED燈 x1
3. PIR人體紅外線感測器 x1
4. DS18B20 x1
5. DHT11溫濕度感測器 x1
6. Soner:bit超音波感測器x1
7. 土壤溫溼度感測器 x1
8. 水位感測器 x1
9. OLED螢幕 x1
10. EF92A 180度伺服馬達 x1
11. MicroUSB傳輸線 x1
12. 跳線 x6
13. 使用手冊 x1
The micro:bit Smart Agriculture Kit has a well-selection of IoT:bit, DS18B20 temperature sensor, soil moisture sensor, water level sensor, PIR sensor, servos and etc., we could use it to build such themes as the smart insects repelling machine, the ecological greenhouse, the fish pond water level monitoring device and more, from which we can learn the modern agriculture and program and explore more possibilities to apply the information technology in agriculture.
1.2. Components List
Modules | Qty. | Note |
micro:bit | 1 | Optional |
IoT:bit | 1 | - |
OLED Screen | 1 | - |
Rainbow LED | 1 | - |
DHT11 Sensor | 1 | - |
Sonar:bit | 1 | - |
Soil Moisture Sensor | 1 | - |
PIR Sensor | 1 | - |
Water Level Sensor | 1 | - |
DS18B20(Waterproof) Sensor | 1 | - |
180° Servo | 1 | - |
USB Cable | 1 | - |
Manual Book | 1 | - |