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Matatalab 3 IN 1 Smart Sports Kit for Vincibot 體育競技積木擴展 (行貨1年保養)



三合一體育競技積木擴充包是 VinciBot 的附加擴充包,旨在鍛鍊兒童的程式設計能力、邏輯思維和協作能力。此套件包含三個運動項目:足球、田徑和籃球。挑戰手冊引導孩子們在這三項運動下探索機器人控制和程式設計、創意建構、Tiny ML(嵌入式機器學習)、IoT(物聯網)。除了這三項運動之外,還有啦啦隊表演、AI自動射擊等超過13個項目。體育競技積木包含機器人運動競賽的所有必要元素。 3-in-1 Smart Sports Kit is an add-on pack for VinciBot, aimed at exercising children's programming, logical thinking and collaboration abilities. There are three sports in the kit: football, track and field, and basketball. The Challenge Booklet guides kids to explore robot control and programming, creative construction, Tiny ML (embedded machine learning), IoT (Internet of Things) under these three sports. Instead of these three sports, there are more than 13 projects including cheerleading shows and AI automatic shooting. With Smart Sport Kits, all essentials elements of robotics sport competition are included.


